Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wishing ALL a great prosperous 2010!

We will like to wish all our friends, members and associates a very Prosperous 2010!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Calcium-Fortifying Supplement for All Ages
Neither a grass nor a tree, the bamboo is a unique botanical species. It can be found all over the world although it originated from the Orient. Wholesome essences known as “Bamboo Sil’” can be extracted from the branch joints of the green bamboo and refined into essential oil. According to medical research, the Silice content of Bamboo Sil is a rich source of calcium. Green bamboo essential oil emanates a refreshing scent and makes one feel transported into a breezy bamboo grove.

Main Properties:
Its rich source of calcium makes it an ideal calcium supplement to alleviate conditions caused by calcium deficiency.

Health Benefits:
Calcium supplement that fortifies the bones and helps in the growing up process. Useful for geriatric conditions such as backaches, rheumatic pain and osteoporosis. Also beneficial as a calcium supplement during teenagers’ puberty and growing up years.


The New-Age Solution for Cancer and Aging
Green tea is becoming increasingly popular in recent years and its healthcare benefits have also been widely acknowledged. Catechin, carotene and vitamins C and E are among some of its many nutritious ingredients that bring innumerable benefits to our health.

Extracted from tea tree essences that are beneficial to the human body, tea tree essential oil can be scented and absorbed through the respiratory tract into the body where its various medical and healthcare benefits can be unleashed.

Main Properties:
Research has verified that green tea can prevent nitrite preservatives in food from transforming into carcinogens in the human body. At the same time, green tea can suppress the reaction between the microsome enzymatic system and the carcinogens to stop the development of cancer, and is greatly beneficial in the prevention of cancer.

Health Benefits:
In addition to its cancer-preventing, anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties, green tea also helps in slimming by breaking down fats. It can also improve cardiovascular conditions, control blood sugar and blood pressure and lower cholesterol level.


Energy Source for Heightened Spirituality
The use of sandalwood dates back to time immemorial and has been mentioned in ancient Sanskrit classics and Chinese chronicles. Occupying a unique and sacred position in China, India and in many religious practices, the sandalwood emanates a lingering woody fragrance that pacifies our inner being. In addition, its therapeutic effects have long been recorded in history. In particular, significant contributions have been made by the French doctors who used sandalwood to treat diseases of the urinary and respiratory systems.

Main Properties:
Your Essential Meditation Companion. Maintains the functions of the urinary and respiratory systems. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, sandalwood is reported to have anti-spasm properties and can also alleviate signs of gastrointestinal diseases, nausea and inflammation.

Health Benefits:
Treats cystitis and other diseases of the urinary system. Alleviates symptoms of bronchitis, sore throat and allergy-induced dry cough. Relieves mucositis discomfort to bring about a good night’s sleep.


The Beloved Queen of All Flowers
Symbolising love since ancient times, the rose, which is also reputed to be the Queen of Flowers, awakens our perceptions, heightens our senses and easily invokes the energy of romance and love. Rose essential oil also has very good effects in regulating hormonal balance, rebuilding confidence and bringing solace to a broken heart.

Main Properties:
The most preferred choice for creating romantic lifestyle pleasures. An aphrodisiac that is also the perfect mate for women’s physiological needs.

Health Benefits:
Aids in hormonal balance for both males and females and regulates the female endocrine system. Treats symptoms of menopause, menstrual cramps and irregular menstruation. Also beneficial to the digestive and circulatory systems.


The All-Rounded Panacea
The name "lavender" is derived from the Latin word “lavera” which means “to wash” as ancient Romans loved to use it for scenting and baths. Native to the Mediterranean Sea region, lavender is widely used and is reputed to be the essential oil panacea. In Europe, lavender is a symbol of cleanliness, protection, purity, gratitude and peace.

Main Properties:
The Most Widely-Used Essential Oil. An effective pain-killer, disinfectant and germicidal agent. Widely used in topical applications to treat burns and skin problems.

Health Benefits:
Helps in a good night’s sleep, brings about quality sleep, stabilises the blood pressure, treats indigestion, migraines and signs of palpitations.

Monday, June 29, 2009

avita Eucalyptus Diffusion Essential Oil

The Best Anti-Bacterial Defence

The name Eucalyptus originates from the Greek words “eu”, which means well, and “kaluptos”, which means cover. This "well-covered" definition describes the tight enclosure of the stamens. The Australian Aborigines call the Eucalyptus “kino” and use it to treat wounds. The Eucalyptus is indeed endowed with strong anti-bacteria properties. Coupled with its pleasant and clear fragrance, it is naturally the best remedy to counteract bacteria and viruses.

Plant Species:

Trees. Its essential oil is extracted from the leaves and twigs.

Characteristic Scent:
Fresh and cooling with mild scents of camphor.

Main Properties:
A Potent Antiseptic. The most popular essential oil for combating the common cold, influenza, bronchitis, mucositis and viral infections.

Health Benefits:
Aids in respiratory tract functions and ease of breathing. Alleviates symptoms of asthma, nasal sensitivity, bronchitis, flu, etc. Prevents influenza, improves blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.

Mood Management:
Sharpens cognition, clears the mind, improves powers of concentration, increase work efficiency and relieves fatigue.

Daily Applications:
Air purification, scenting and deodorisation. Aerobic antiseptic. Dissipates second-hand smoke. Kills bacteria and repels dust mites, insects, mosquitoes and fleas; keeps the respiratory tract healthy for the long run.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Meta Tablet

"Enhances metabolism and regulates our physique and physiological functions"

avita's Meta Tablet contains chiorella extract which is a rich source of various essential minerals and trace elements. With the addition of poluphenols, it can effectively control your weight and lower your body's absorption of calories from food.

Besides helping to remove waste materials so as to achieve healthcare and weight control effects, it is also enriched with multivitamins and minerals to replenish the body's basic nutrients and maintain physiological functions. With this indispensable beauty and healthcare companion for the modern generation, you can embark on your weight control programme with ease.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Red Yeast Rice

Non-Prescriptive Cholesterol Lowering

avita Red Yeast Rice is a breakthrough all-natural solution for individuals concerned with achieving healthy cholesterol levels.

Red yeast rice has been used in China for over 1,000 years for medicinal purposes. Detailed description of its manufacture is well documented in the ancient Chinese pharmacopeia, Ben Cao Gang Mu - Dan Shi Bu Yi, published during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Recent studies conducted by Chinese and American scientists suggest that rea yeast rice helps in lowering triglycerides and LDL ('bad') cholesterol, while increasing HDL ('good') cholesterol.

• Promotes healthy cholesterol level. 
• Safe, effective and all-natural solution. 
• Natural complement to a healthy diet and exercise.

Friday, May 1, 2009

SGS Test Report for avita Essential Oils

This is the microbiological test done showing the bacteria and yeast and mould elimination capability of avita's essential oils.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Aromatherapy - Plant Aromatherapy

Plant aromatherapy is about using the scenting method to release phytoncidere in the botanical essential oil into the air. The dispersed phytoncidere is then inhaled through the lungs and it then passes through the heart and enters the bloodstreams where it gets transported to different parts of the body to help the body engage in detoxifying and cellular repair processes.

The properties of essential oil can also work to prevent infectious diseases, counteract pathogenic cells, viruses and fungi, prevent inflammation and spasms, as well as promote cellular metabolism and regeneration, thereby paving the way to a healthier and better life.

avita Botanical Essential Oil


The Best Anti-Bacterial Defence

Plant Species: Trees. Its essential oil is extracted from the leaves and twigs.

Characteristic Scent: Fresh and cooling with mild scents of camphor.

Health Benefits: Helps respiratory functions, for smooth breathing, uplifts the spirits.

Properties: A Potent Antiseptic the most popular essential oil for combating the common cold, influenza, bronchitis, mucositis and viral infections.

Eucalyptus Relieves My Chronic Asthma of Over 30 Years

Yukie Tansawa (Perth, Australia) 2007

Hello, my name is Yukie Tansawa. For the last 3 years I have been using aromatherapy to help with my asthma and low immune system. I have to thank Tony and Pauline for introducing avita product to me.

I was a chronic asthmatic for more than 30 years. At first I did not believe that this little lamp could do so much for me, but it was my husband, Johnny, who encouraged me to use this product. I loved the beauty of the lamp as well as the lovely scent and aroma which refreshed the air. I never expected my asthma to improve so much. My condition got better and better after using the product.

When I first started using the lamp, I left it on the whole night. In the morning when I woke up, I did not experience the usual tightness in my chest. The next day I called Tony and asked him " Are you sure there is no steroid medication in the Eucalyptus oil?" He replied, "Of course not, it is all natural ingredients".

I quietly used the product for about 2 months. Then my friends started saying to me, "Yukie, you are looking so much better. You don't look so tired. You have put on weight. You are not pale anymore and have more energy". I used to visit my doctor for my prescription of antibiotics every 3 or 4 months. Now I do not need the antibiotics anymore. I can even play golf. Previously I could not even hit a few balls on the driving range without feeling exhausted.


The All-Rounded Panacea

Plant Species: Shrubs. It essential oil is extracted from the flower tips.

Characteristic Scent: Sweet, refined and mild scent that has a calming effect.

Health Benefits: Helps stabilize blood pressure, eases agitation, soothes mental stress, aids in sleep.

Properties: The Most Widely-Used Essential Oil, an effective pain-killer, disinfectant and germicidal agent. Widely used in topical applications to treat burns and skin problems.

Green Tea
The New-Age Solution for Cancer and Aging

Plant Species: Tea tree. Its essential oil is extracted from the leaves.

Characteristic Scent: Fresh, with a touch of mildly sweet green tea aroma.

Health Benefits: Regulates physiological functions, enhances immunity, reduces fatigue, invigorates the senses.

Properties: Research has verified that green tea can prevent nitrite preservatives in food from transforming into carcinogens in the human body. At the same time, green tea can suppress the reaction between the microsome enzymatic system and the carcinogens to stop the development of cancer, and is greatly beneficial in the prevention of cancer.

Green Tea Lowers My Cholesterol Level

Terence Goh (Singapore) 2007

avita Green Tea aromatherapy really works. I have been diffusing Green Tea essential oil rather regularly the last 6 months or so, in my office and at home. I received my blood test results yesterday. Compared to my last blood test results about 8 months before, my cholesterol ration dropped from a "bad" 6+ to now within the acceptable range at 4+. The "bad" LDL cholesterol level has also dropped from the "bad" to the acceptable range. The doctor asked me what did I do as he was amazed at the vast difference and I confessed to him that I did not change either my exercise or dietary habits and the only thing that I did differently was to diffuse avita green tea essential oil. He was amazed.


Awakens our perceptions, heightens our senses and easily invokes the energy of romance and love

Plant Species: Shrubs. Its essential oil is extracted from the flower petals.

Characteristic Scent: Strong and sweet flora fragrance.

Health Benefits: Regulates physiological functions, evokes passion, romanticism and joy.

Properties: The most preferred choice for creating romantic lifestyle pleasures. An aphrodisiac th

at is also the perfect mate for women’s physiological needs.

Green Bamboo

Calcium-Fortifying Supplement for All Ages

Plant Species: Poaceae. Its essential oil is extracted from the branch joints of the bamboo.
Characteristic Scent: Breezy and delicate scent that is reminiscent of a fresh bamboo grove in nature.

Health Benefits: Regulates the body, enhances stamina and energy level.

Properties: Its rich source of calcium makes it an ideal calcium supplement to alleviate conditions caused by calcium deficiency.


Energy Source for Heightened Spirituality

Plant Species: Trees. Its essential oil is extracted from the wood core.
Characteristic Scent: Subtle, woody fragrance that lingers for a long time.
Health Benefits: Mentally relaxing, enhances harmony between mind and body, suitable for meditation.

Properties: Your Essential Meditation Companion. Maintains the functions of the urinary and respiratory systems. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, sandalwood is reported to have anti-spasm properties and can also alleviate signs of gastrointestinal diseases, nausea and inflammation.

Aroma Care
How would you enjoy bringing the forest in your urban home? Imagine breathing in the natural freshness and health-enhancing goodness of the plants and flowers everyday in your own home environment.

avita bio-aromatherapy uses a flameless catalysis
technology to diffuse botanical essential oil into our indoor air. The light molecular plant essence fills our environment to provide 3 important benefits:We breathe safer as airborne bacteria and viruses are eliminated; plant essential oils are anti-bacterial and anti-viral.

We breathe healthier as the inhalation of plant nutrients, known as pythoncidere, can strengthen our immune system and offer a wide range of therapeutic benefits such as calming, invigorating, soothing our respiratory tract a
nd de-stressing.

We breathe fresher as the diffusion of aromatic plant essential oil will produce a natural pleasant scent and lots of negative ions, giving the same uplifting effect as at a gushing waterfall or in a forest after rain.

While aromatherapy has been around for thousands of year, avita bio-aromatherapy reinvents this age-old practice and breaks into new grounds in optimizing the therapeutic potential of botanical essential oils.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Vita 18

- Activates Cellular Vitality

"Has antioxidant effects, stimulates metabolism, revitalise the cells, enhances beauty and keeps one looking young always."

Vita 18, the beauty drink which is specially formulated from 35 kinds of fruits and vegetables and various kinds of probiotics with the advanced Microorganism Symbiosis Fermentation Technology, has stood the test of time and can provide the full suite of nutrients.

With its small molecular mass, our intestines can easily absorb it. The organic acid, vitamins, CoQ10 and SOD enzyme it contains can supply to the cells the necessary nutrients to enhance metabolism, regulate physiological functions, resist damage from free radicals and maintain cellular vitality, thereby restoring our physique to its healthy state and keeping diseases at bay.

Lohas Tea

- For a healthy Liver, Enjoy the LOHAS Experience

"Has a cooling effect, uplifts the spirits and regulates the physique and physiological functions."

The botanical ingredients in avita LOHAS Tea have been carefully selected and scientifically verified for their healthcare benefits. Natural Chinese herbs such as green tea, anoectochilus roxburghil, Hang Zhou chrysanthemum, wolfberries and cassia seeds help to eliminate free radicals from the body and protect the liver, whilst Siberian ginseng can increase stamina, enhance metabolism and eliminate fatigue quickly.

Appropriate replenishment of moisture can greatly benefit the body's metabolism processes, and a cup of non-caffeinated LOHAS Tea can even relieve work-related stress and tension and maintain the well-being of the liver and gallbladder meridians.

Savour the sweetness and delicate botanical fragrance emanating from this specially-formulated brew and indulge in total comfort and relaxation.


- Invigorate Your Qi

"Improves physical vigour, boosts stamina, enhances longevity and has nourishing and energising effects."

Packed with many types of valuable Chinese herbal essences, this is indeed a holistic product. Ginseng replenishes energy (qi) and maintains qi in the meridians at full level.

Astragalus membranaceus is a priceless immunity booster, which can invigorate our immune system. Sealwort and dwarf lilyturf tuber are beneficial for the spleen and stomach, nourish the heart and lungs and enhance the health of our respiratory channel.

Rhodiola rosea can aid in blood circulation, ensure smoother qi and reduce fatigue. Coupled with the excellent healthcare properties of other precious Chines herbs such as Chinese magnoliavine, Chinese wolfberry and cordyceps sinensis, you can have optimum energy and full-fledged vitality throughout the day!

**This product has been discontinued. We apologises for any inconvenience caused

Spirit Pack

- Spirited Comfort

"Aids digestion, stimulates smooth bowel movements and regulates our body and physiological functions."

avita Spirit Pack contains a rich source of Psyllium Husk and is formulated from natural herbal essences such as lotus leaves and cassia seeds. It taps upon the properties of various kinds of dietary fibers to boost intestinal peristalsis and enhances smooth bowel movements.

In addition to herbal ingredients, fructo-oligo-saccharide further aids digestive functions and enhances intestinal cleanliness, thus purifying your body from within and enables you to slim down and stay healthy with ease.

You can switch between apple and cranberry flavors for a refreshing drink anytime.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Life Biotics

- Revitalize your life

"Improves the bacteria environment in the intestines, maintains digestive functions, enhances beauty and maintains skeletal and dental health."

avita Life Biotics supplies a rich source of good bacteria that are able to reside in the intestinal tract. Thanks to the technology of dual coating, Life Biotics can protect lactic acid from gastric acid and bile, thus enabling its safe adherence to the intestinal membrane and increasing the quantities of pro-biotics in your intestinal tract.

In addition, natural pearl oyster shell calcium and vitamin D3 can help to replenish calcium, enhancing beauty and skeletal health at the same time. With its refreshing flavour, high amounts of live bacteria and low calories, Life Biotics is indeed the best choice for protecting the intestinal health of the whole family.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Baybee Shower Gel

Baybee Shower Gel

Baybee Shower Gel gently cleanses and nurtures your baby's skin. it is enriched with allergy free, moisturizing oils to keep your baby's skin clean and soft and free from irritation, dryness and itchiness.

Made from natural plant essential oils, the Baybee Shower Gel series has an unique anion surface activating action that is derived from our state-of-the-art bio-technology. The Baybee Shower Gel is able to reduce the oil molecules to their smallest form, yielding the quality of high permeability for gentle yet deep cleansing cleansing of skin.

Its near-perfect soothing formula contain no irritants and imparts a caring touch more gentle than water to soothe every inch of your skin, while protecting it from invasion from germs and mildew.

With its pleasant lingering fragrance, even a baby’s delicate skin can receive the most tender loving care. The Baybee Shower Gel is indeed your ideal cleanliness companion for the whole family.

Made with botanical plant extracts, Baybee showergel can be used for all skin types including babies with sensitive skin, and also for babies affected by eczema and baby rashes.

Avita Products

How would you enjoy bringing the forest in your urban home? Imagine breathing in the natural freshness and health-enhancing goodness of the plants and flowers everyday in your own home environment.

avita bio-aromatherapy uses a flameless catalysis technology
to diffuse botanical essential oil into our indoor air. The light
molecular plant essence fills our environment to provide 3 important benefits:We breathe safer as airborne bacteria and viruses are eliminated; plant essential oils are anti-bacterial
and anti-viral.

We breathe healthier as the inhalation of plant nutrients, known as pythoncidere, can strengthen our immune system and offer a wide range of therapeutic benefits such as calming, invigorating, soothing our respiratory tract a
nd de-stressing.

We breathe fresher as the diffusion of aromatic plant essential oil will produce a natural pleasant scent and lots of negative ions, giving the same uplifting effect as at a gushing waterfall or in a forest after rain.

While aromatherapy has been around for thousands of year, avita bio-aromatherapy reinvents this age-old practice and breaks into new grounds in optimizing the therapeutic potential of botanical essential oils.


How would you like to tune up and awaken your own body’s self-healing
power and reduce dependency on chemical drugs that usually come with harmful side effects?avita meridian therapy series is a first-o
f-its-kind blend of herbal essential oils created from time-tested formulation based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and with advanced biotechnological know-how. It’s a unique wellness product of East-West fusion with amazing therapeutic results.

Designed to care for the 14 meridians that run through our body, the application of the avita herbal essential oils is via an easy-to-learn DIY meridian acupressure massage technique, popularly known as Meridian 101. By massaging the herbal essential oils onto the right acupressure points and along the right meridian, one is able to experience amazing health bene
fits such as rapid relief from fever, cold, indigestion, insomnia, stiff neck, aching shoulder, fatigue, PMS and more.

The growing interest across the world towards adopting a natural and self-healing approach to good health is an unstoppable trend. avita provides the most effective means to support this movement.


How would you like to enjoy tried and tested herbal formulations that work but
in a modern, convenient and hip manner? You may reduce cholesterol by popping red yeast rice tablets with no side effect; ensure tip-top gastro-intestinal and immune system health by popping probiotics that come in sachet
with no need for refrigeration.

Traditional herbal formulation is the basis for the avita range of nutritional care products. avita offers safe and effective natural herbal solutions to many modern lifestyle ailments such as high cholesterol, imbalanced metaboli
sm, digestive and intestinal discomfortable, liver detoxification concern, malnutrition in children and slimming needs. And avita’s R&D focus is to ensure that there would not be harmful side effects commonly associated with many synthetic chemical drugs.

As more people across the world begin to take nutritional supplements as part of their health regime and their preference being shaped towards all things natural and herbal, avita is the No. 1 trusted brand that originates from Singapore, the confluence of east-west in advanced bio-medical research.


How would you like to look and feel you natural best with the help of natural plant essence, powered by nanotechnology and the most advanced stem cell technology?

The avita skincare series is botanical skincare at its most advanced. It is formulated from natural plant essence and oceanic marine botanicals and designed exclusively for the Asian skin.

avita offers unparalleled deep cleansing, toning, moisturizing, exfoliating, rejuvenating, whitening and anti-aging solutions to your skin. While avita works from inside of your skin to bring out your natural radiance, it’s fortified with excellent anti-oxidation properties that guard your skin against free radicals and environmental damage.

The avita brand in skincare may still be a young one, but it is poised to be the next bright star and the top choice for the Asians who care to look their natural best with skincare designed specifically for the Asian skin.

How would you and your family like to enjoy the gentle yet thorough cleansing goodness of plant essential oil from taking a shower to the cleaning of your home to the washing of your clothes?

avita offers the most complete range of personal and home care solutions that are made from natural plant essential oil. The avita shower gel boasts high permeability for gentle and deep cleansing of our body due to its unique and biotechnologically advanced anion surface activating action. The avita home cleaning range comprising floor, laundry, dish and vegetable/fruit washes harnesses the anti-mildew and anti-bacterial properties of plant essential oil to give us a safe and health-enhancing home environment. All avita home care products are ultra eco-friendly and accredited with the prestigious Singapore Green Label.

Live clean, live safe and live green. avita is the natural choice for today’s consumers.

For more info on avita products, contact