Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Aromatherapy - Plant Aromatherapy

Plant aromatherapy is about using the scenting method to release phytoncidere in the botanical essential oil into the air. The dispersed phytoncidere is then inhaled through the lungs and it then passes through the heart and enters the bloodstreams where it gets transported to different parts of the body to help the body engage in detoxifying and cellular repair processes.

The properties of essential oil can also work to prevent infectious diseases, counteract pathogenic cells, viruses and fungi, prevent inflammation and spasms, as well as promote cellular metabolism and regeneration, thereby paving the way to a healthier and better life.

avita Botanical Essential Oil


The Best Anti-Bacterial Defence

Plant Species: Trees. Its essential oil is extracted from the leaves and twigs.

Characteristic Scent: Fresh and cooling with mild scents of camphor.

Health Benefits: Helps respiratory functions, for smooth breathing, uplifts the spirits.

Properties: A Potent Antiseptic the most popular essential oil for combating the common cold, influenza, bronchitis, mucositis and viral infections.

Eucalyptus Relieves My Chronic Asthma of Over 30 Years

Yukie Tansawa (Perth, Australia) 2007

Hello, my name is Yukie Tansawa. For the last 3 years I have been using aromatherapy to help with my asthma and low immune system. I have to thank Tony and Pauline for introducing avita product to me.

I was a chronic asthmatic for more than 30 years. At first I did not believe that this little lamp could do so much for me, but it was my husband, Johnny, who encouraged me to use this product. I loved the beauty of the lamp as well as the lovely scent and aroma which refreshed the air. I never expected my asthma to improve so much. My condition got better and better after using the product.

When I first started using the lamp, I left it on the whole night. In the morning when I woke up, I did not experience the usual tightness in my chest. The next day I called Tony and asked him " Are you sure there is no steroid medication in the Eucalyptus oil?" He replied, "Of course not, it is all natural ingredients".

I quietly used the product for about 2 months. Then my friends started saying to me, "Yukie, you are looking so much better. You don't look so tired. You have put on weight. You are not pale anymore and have more energy". I used to visit my doctor for my prescription of antibiotics every 3 or 4 months. Now I do not need the antibiotics anymore. I can even play golf. Previously I could not even hit a few balls on the driving range without feeling exhausted.


The All-Rounded Panacea

Plant Species: Shrubs. It essential oil is extracted from the flower tips.

Characteristic Scent: Sweet, refined and mild scent that has a calming effect.

Health Benefits: Helps stabilize blood pressure, eases agitation, soothes mental stress, aids in sleep.

Properties: The Most Widely-Used Essential Oil, an effective pain-killer, disinfectant and germicidal agent. Widely used in topical applications to treat burns and skin problems.

Green Tea
The New-Age Solution for Cancer and Aging

Plant Species: Tea tree. Its essential oil is extracted from the leaves.

Characteristic Scent: Fresh, with a touch of mildly sweet green tea aroma.

Health Benefits: Regulates physiological functions, enhances immunity, reduces fatigue, invigorates the senses.

Properties: Research has verified that green tea can prevent nitrite preservatives in food from transforming into carcinogens in the human body. At the same time, green tea can suppress the reaction between the microsome enzymatic system and the carcinogens to stop the development of cancer, and is greatly beneficial in the prevention of cancer.

Green Tea Lowers My Cholesterol Level

Terence Goh (Singapore) 2007

avita Green Tea aromatherapy really works. I have been diffusing Green Tea essential oil rather regularly the last 6 months or so, in my office and at home. I received my blood test results yesterday. Compared to my last blood test results about 8 months before, my cholesterol ration dropped from a "bad" 6+ to now within the acceptable range at 4+. The "bad" LDL cholesterol level has also dropped from the "bad" to the acceptable range. The doctor asked me what did I do as he was amazed at the vast difference and I confessed to him that I did not change either my exercise or dietary habits and the only thing that I did differently was to diffuse avita green tea essential oil. He was amazed.


Awakens our perceptions, heightens our senses and easily invokes the energy of romance and love

Plant Species: Shrubs. Its essential oil is extracted from the flower petals.

Characteristic Scent: Strong and sweet flora fragrance.

Health Benefits: Regulates physiological functions, evokes passion, romanticism and joy.

Properties: The most preferred choice for creating romantic lifestyle pleasures. An aphrodisiac th

at is also the perfect mate for women’s physiological needs.

Green Bamboo

Calcium-Fortifying Supplement for All Ages

Plant Species: Poaceae. Its essential oil is extracted from the branch joints of the bamboo.
Characteristic Scent: Breezy and delicate scent that is reminiscent of a fresh bamboo grove in nature.

Health Benefits: Regulates the body, enhances stamina and energy level.

Properties: Its rich source of calcium makes it an ideal calcium supplement to alleviate conditions caused by calcium deficiency.


Energy Source for Heightened Spirituality

Plant Species: Trees. Its essential oil is extracted from the wood core.
Characteristic Scent: Subtle, woody fragrance that lingers for a long time.
Health Benefits: Mentally relaxing, enhances harmony between mind and body, suitable for meditation.

Properties: Your Essential Meditation Companion. Maintains the functions of the urinary and respiratory systems. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, sandalwood is reported to have anti-spasm properties and can also alleviate signs of gastrointestinal diseases, nausea and inflammation.