Thursday, October 8, 2009


Calcium-Fortifying Supplement for All Ages
Neither a grass nor a tree, the bamboo is a unique botanical species. It can be found all over the world although it originated from the Orient. Wholesome essences known as “Bamboo Sil’” can be extracted from the branch joints of the green bamboo and refined into essential oil. According to medical research, the Silice content of Bamboo Sil is a rich source of calcium. Green bamboo essential oil emanates a refreshing scent and makes one feel transported into a breezy bamboo grove.

Main Properties:
Its rich source of calcium makes it an ideal calcium supplement to alleviate conditions caused by calcium deficiency.

Health Benefits:
Calcium supplement that fortifies the bones and helps in the growing up process. Useful for geriatric conditions such as backaches, rheumatic pain and osteoporosis. Also beneficial as a calcium supplement during teenagers’ puberty and growing up years.