Thursday, October 8, 2009


The New-Age Solution for Cancer and Aging
Green tea is becoming increasingly popular in recent years and its healthcare benefits have also been widely acknowledged. Catechin, carotene and vitamins C and E are among some of its many nutritious ingredients that bring innumerable benefits to our health.

Extracted from tea tree essences that are beneficial to the human body, tea tree essential oil can be scented and absorbed through the respiratory tract into the body where its various medical and healthcare benefits can be unleashed.

Main Properties:
Research has verified that green tea can prevent nitrite preservatives in food from transforming into carcinogens in the human body. At the same time, green tea can suppress the reaction between the microsome enzymatic system and the carcinogens to stop the development of cancer, and is greatly beneficial in the prevention of cancer.

Health Benefits:
In addition to its cancer-preventing, anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties, green tea also helps in slimming by breaking down fats. It can also improve cardiovascular conditions, control blood sugar and blood pressure and lower cholesterol level.